viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

What Kind of Love - Avantasia

[Amanda Somerville:]
A dream of dwelling inside
Alone we come and alone we go
And who am I to know what I feel
Sympathy that's tearing me apart?
Attraction of the distance to a heart affinity?
What if love will leave your heart an open sore
And I can't reveal what even I don't know?
The love you feel you waste away on me
What kind of love will let us bleed away?
No kind of love will make us bleed away
[Tobias Sammet:]
If only you could be the one to take a look inside
I feel so incomplete
A broken man in need of mother love
I'm suffering in silence and no one wants to see
The only god is watching as I bleed
The star above — my matching piece
[Amanda Somerville:]
Oh, this love will leave your heart an open sore
And I can't reveal what even I don't know
This love you feel you waste away on me
What kind of love will let us bleed away?
No kind of love will make us bleed away
[Tobias Sammet:]
Feel - that's all you gotta do
And it will heal you
Feel the pain to lead you home to peace of mind
Dwell inside
Feel - that's all you gotta do
And it will heal the wound
Feel — there will be a song for peace of mind
Dwell inside
[Amanda Somerville - lead vocals
Tobias Sammet (Edguy) - lead vocals & bass
Michael Kiske (Helloween) - additional lead vocals
Sascha Paeth (Heavens Gate)- acoustic guitar & keyboards
Miro (Kamelot) - Sequencing and orchestration]

Bueno, canción medio mamona pero me gusta; si a ti también, >aquí< la tienes.

2 comentarios:

Rukia Victoria dijo...

ola tu!

traté de bajarla (hacer clik) pero no funcó,
así que arréglala, o dámela...

que estés bien...


ViXo! dijo...

Link reparado ^.^

Ahora lo puedes descargar por rapidshare :P

Es bastante rapido ^^ y me das puntitos para la premmy de esta pagina xD

Saludos y... TE AMO PILY!! MUACK!! =**
